Types of Dangerous Drivers
March 04, 2019
Dangerous drivers put everyone on the road at risk. Drivers who engage in certain types of behavior or are not prepared behind the wheel can cause accidents. Other drivers should be wary of the following types of dangerous drivers:
Distracted Drivers
Drivers looking at their cell phone, putting on makeup, or looking at GPS devices are all examples of distracted drivers. Drivers can even be distracted if they are changing the radio station, disciplining children in the back seat, and eating or drinking coffee behind the wheel. Statistics show that any type of activity, such as sending a text behind the wheel, puts that driver and other drivers in the vicinity at risk. Experts even stated that it is dangerous to talk to other passengers while driving, since you may be distracted just by the conversation topic, especially if it is a heated argument. If you see another driver engaging in any sort of activity that takes their attention away from the road, keep a safe distance away from them.
Drunk Drivers
In the United States, about 29 people are fatally injured per day as a result of drunk driving. Drunk drivers are more likely to cause accidents and because their bodies are relaxed, they may be the ones least likely to be injured in an accident. Always be aware of erratic driving at any time of day, which could be caused by drunk driving.
Tired Drivers
Drivers who get the behind the wheel without enough sleep are not prepared to operate a vehicle and, like drunk drivers, put the lives of all other drivers at risk once they hit the gas pedal. Watch for vehicles slowly veering out of lanes or are off the road completely to identify drowsy driving.
It is human nature to be curious about why a handful of emergency vehicles are occupying the opposite side of the road and it is natural to want to know if the occupants who were in the accident are okay. Yet, people who take their eyes away from the road to look at an accident scene can also cause another accident. When you see an accident on the other side of the road, try to resist the temptation to check it out for any length of time and become aware that others around you could fall victim to rubbernecking and begin to drive unexpectedly.
Teen Drivers
Although not every teen may be dangerous, statistically speaking, they are more likely to be involved in accidents, and other drivers should be slightly more cautious when they see a younger person on the road.
Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Help Victims Injured Due to Negligent Drivers
If you were involved in a car accident, the Cherry Hill car accident lawyers at DiTomaso Law can assist with your potential claim against the other driver. Our offices are in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where we serve clients throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey, including the areas of Mt. Holly and Camden County. Call us today at 856-414-0010 or contact us online for a free consultation.

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