Reckless Driving Offenses in New Jersey
September 25, 2018
According to Driver Knowledge, a website that issues driver safety, 33 percent of reckless driving accidents result in fatal injuries each year. Reckless driving is a serious cause of car accidents, and when a driver is issued a ticket, the consequences can be twofold. First, the driver may be issued points against their driver’s license, which puts them in danger of losing their license, but another serious consequence is an increase in car insurance premiums.
If a driver is issued a ticket for reckless driving, the insurance penalties can be minimum compared to other states. This may seem like good news for offenders, but this is because New Jersey has some of the highest insurance premiums in the United States. Therefore, for reckless New Jersey drivers to see a significant increase in their insurance premiums, they must have multiple driving offenses.
Legal Consequences for Reckless New Jersey Drivers
On the other hand, New Jersey’s legal system is less lenient on drivers in terms of minimum jail time for first and second offenses. New Jersey places 10th and 13th respectively in the nation. Additionally, New Jersey is among the strictest in the nation for counting speeding tickets toward the suspension of a driver’s license, resulting in a 10-day minimum jail sentence.
Although insurance companies may not come down quite as hard on first offenses for New Jersey drivers as they do in other states, the legal ramifications should be enough to curtail drivers. Reckless driving without consequences can lead to dangerous roads and increased accidents. While New Jersey is among the most populated in the nation, reckless drivers are more likely to cause multiple accidents than in other states.
Where there are reckless drivers, there will be accidents and New Jersey laws are geared toward stopping this practice before the driver becomes a habitual reckless driver. For example, the driver can lose their license if they have incurred too many offenses in a relatively short time period. Drivers with multiple offenses on their records can try to fight a license suspension in court, so it is important to contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer if you have been hit by a reckless driver, who can advocate on your behalf.
Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Help Victims Injured by Reckless Drivers
If you have been in a car accident due to a reckless driver, the Cherry Hill car accident lawyers at DiTomaso Law can help. We will hold the negligent party accountable for your injuries and obtain the compensation you deserve. Our offices are in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and we proudly serve clients from the surrounding areas. Contact us today by calling 856-414-0010 or contact us online for a free consultation.

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