Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers: Fireworks Safety This Summer
June 30, 2016
For many Americans fireworks are an integral part of the summer experience, and are not restricted to use Independence Day alone; indeed, family reunions, weddings and even backyard barbecues have frequently become the scene of a fireworks display. Unfortunately, for those who are unaccustomed to dealing with explosives, these celebratory gatherings can result in personal injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), at least 11 individuals lost their lives in fireworks accidents in 2014.
Moreover, for those lucky enough to survive a fireworks accident, life will rarely be the same. In the weeks immediately before and after the Fourth of July holiday, an average of 230 Americans will visit an emergency room each day for burn injuries sustained in a fireworks accident. The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) maintains that half of those victims will suffer burns, and the majority of those burns will involve the hands and fingers.
Consumer fireworks – such as those which can be purchased at a roadside stand – should always be avoided. Strongly discourage friends and family from hosting impromptu fireworks events at home, and never allow children to handle fireworks. Even sparklers can reach temperatures of 2,000 degrees, quickly igniting clothing and causing devastating injuries. Additionally, when consumer fireworks are being detonated, adults should never attempt to re-light a firework which failed to ignite the first time.
Individuals and families should instead attend only fireworks displays held by trained and licensed professionals. However, even at such a fireworks show, viewers should maintain a safe distance from the detonation site and keep a bucket of water or hose nearby to extinguish any embers that reach the ground. To that end, the CPSC notes that fireworks pose dangers beyond bodily injury. In 2011, nearly 1,200 structure fires, 400 vehicle fires and 16,300 brush fires were caused by fireworks, resulting in $32 million in property damage.
Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Pursue Justice for Victims of Fireworks Accidents
If you or a loved one has been burned, maimed or killed by fireworks you may be entitled to compensation. Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at DiTomaso Law will aggressively pursue your case in court. Call us today at 215-426-4493 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our offices conveniently located in Center City Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where we serve clients throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey including Philadelphia County, Bucks County, Montgomery County, Chester County, Delaware County, Camden County, Burlington County, and Atlantic County.

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